The complaints are justified though, as we all know that system stability can be greatly affected by drivers. When you talk about allowing machines to maintain their driver and BIOS version over the internet, the lack of version control is something that most ConfigMgr admins will complain about. In some cases however, this means also maintaining a separate master repository for the machines to scan or allowing internet access. The vendor utilities where available do a good job, the Dell Command Update utility is an excellent example of how to do things right. In answer to your question, there are several methods to maintain both the BIOS and drivers on the machines but most are vendor specific / developed. These are questions that I have had asked more than a few times of late.
But then the questions of what to do to maintain your systems post deployment?, or do I upgrade the BIOS and drivers as part of an upgrade TS? So you have deployed your machines with the latest and greatest drivers and BIOS updates.
Please review our Modern Driver Management and Modern BIOS Management solutions for up to date information. PLEASE NOTE: Some of the details and features in this post have been superseded.